Inspired by the wildly popular new television show Empire, the Black Reign Collection features elements that capture the essence of royalty in modern times. This collection focuses on the opulent elements that surround the characters of the show, such as the Lyon’s Family fireplace located in the formal living room area.
The Black Reign collection takes its queues from this particular scene elements such as black granite and gilded gold. For those who are looking to make a statement to announce their big day, the Black Reign Wedding Collection is your choice!
This Set Includes:
- Premium black velvet outer shell and black linen interior Invitation shell
- Gold scalloped invitation plate with Moroccan gold toned lower Invitation pattern
- Custom monogram crest, for alternative styles, please contact us
- Gold scalloped accent trim around Invitation, Pocketfold as well as top fold area
- Set includes, Pocket fold Invitation, RSVP, Accommodation and Direction inserts
- Invitation Set enclosed in a Black Gift Box
Additional Available Options:
- Thank You cards
- Dinner Rehearsal Menu cards